How to be Creative When You Can’t Find the Energy to get Dressed.

I’ve been having a hard time lately. My ability to self motivate has plummeted. I’m always tired but can’t seem to fall asleep at night. I’ll get one day in six where I actually get dressed before noon even though I’m normally up by 8:00. Even with all this, my desire to create is still there. Finding the right idea that gets me up and moving has been a challenge.

Every time I tell my self I need to get up and do this or that I get swallowed by the black hole of social media; Facebook, Tumblr,  and Pinterest are my best friends on any given day. What I’ve started doing to combat my lack of motivation to actually go work on something is simple.

I make a list.

Every time I see something I like I write it down. I put pen to paper. What is it? What do I like about it? Could I make it myself?

From “Things I Like” another list forms. A sort of possible future projects list. I’ve got about five different versions of this list scattered around me, there is at least one on my phone.

So I scroll through Pinterest on my bad days and I find myself saving similar ideas again and again. Eventually the descriptions start to be “Make this in soft pastels“, or “This but turtles instead“. It just builds until I find myself picking up my pen to sketch out how I want it not just write it down.

I like the lists both because they serve to formulate my ideas into motivation but also because if I ever need an idea I’ve got plenty to choose from. I’m not saying that this would work for everyone, or even most people, but it’s what I do. And who knows, it just might help someone else get motivated.


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