Lately I’ve been making an extra push to find a job outside of freelancing. I’ve been checking for new job openings on Indeed and LinkedIn regularly as well as other sites every once and awhile. I’ve been looking up every series of key words I could to get a design job somewhere. And it’s working. In the last two weeks I’ve had four interviews, two in the last two days, including an impromptu interview I had today.

I did half a dozen interviews when I was looking for an internship and a few more already on my job search and one thing I can say for certain is that they are scary. That is, until it’s the right one.

Now this may sound cliche but when I interviewed for my internship I just knew walking in the door that it felt right. Sometimes you meet people and you just click. Mary and I did. And today with my interview the owner, Ben, and I clicked.

I walked out of there with him requesting that I come back and do a working interview, which is basically job training to see if you can actually do the job and aren’t just great at interviews. It’s amazing. Not the feeling of finding just a job, the feeling of fitting.

I don’t know if this company is the type of place I would have looked at if I hadn’t found it on Indeed, but I know that I can fit their needs. I can help them and the thought just makes me smile.

The things we want aren’t always the things we need. Its cliche but its true. I’ve done multiple interviews that I really wanted, that I felt were perfect for me and yet when I got there I was still awkward and uncomfortable. Even though I have the skills needed, even though the business is something I like or believe in it’s still not right somehow. I can’t put my finger on what it is that makes me comfortable or uncomfortable in an interview but it’s real and it’s annoying. Sometimes I don’t care if it’s the perfect job, sometimes I just want the ego boost of “hey we really like you please come work for us”.

That’s human I suppose, desperately wanting to be liked, but it doesn’t mean I have to like it.

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