“Is it traced?”

A little backstory before I get to deep into this. I've been working on a series of commissioned drawing for my uncle lately. He is putting together a book of songs and poems he wrote about conservation over the years. I'm super passionate about conservation so I was honored to be a part of this... Continue Reading →

Inktober is in full swing. In fact we are at that point in the month where many people are realizing they bit off more that they can chew. People who were very excited at the beginning of the month are spending less and less time on their Inktober drawings as life gets in the way.... Continue Reading →

Getting back to it

Hello friends, I know I've been absent lately. I was adjusting to my new job (which is awesome by the way) and I just sorta fell out of the swing of writing here. But I'm back. And I'm better than ever! It's amazing what a consistent schedule does for my productivity. I got so much... Continue Reading →

Lately I've been making an extra push to find a job outside of freelancing. I've been checking for new job openings on Indeed and LinkedIn regularly as well as other sites every once and awhile. I've been looking up every series of key words I could to get a design job somewhere. And it's working.... Continue Reading →

Freelancing Online

While I was in school I didn't think I was going to do much freelance design. There was an emphasis from my professors to get in with a design firm, build your skills, and maybe one day strike out on your own. One of my professors retired to freelance design so it felt to me... Continue Reading →

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