
As a graphic designer I make a lot of little things, most of which never see print. Things that live in the void that is my computer indefinitely. Some designs you like but they just don’t work for a project or you just get an idea in your head and have to make it. The type of design you have but don’t know what to do with.

I have a lot of those.

I also have just as many designs that I make and then look at later and delete because I hate them. The problem with always improving is that you see the flaws in your old works you never noticed before. But that’s fine. If we never improved are we really creating?

I like seeing myself improve, it tells me that I’m doing something right. I don’t ever want to stop. Of course not everything I make is always gonna be great but the things that are, the things that show I’m doing something, deserve to see the light of day. That’s where this comes in.

Here you’ll find my designs; the good, the bad, and the improving. I want to here what you think of all of it. What I think is amazing might not be interesting to others and what I think is okay might be your favorite but I’ll never know if you don’t tell me.

If you see something you like don’t hesitate to let me know.


Freelance Design Works

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Design Internship works

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BFA Exhibition Works

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