Getting back to it

Hello friends, I know I've been absent lately. I was adjusting to my new job (which is awesome by the way) and I just sorta fell out of the swing of writing here. But I'm back. And I'm better than ever! It's amazing what a consistent schedule does for my productivity. I got so much... Continue Reading →

Freelancing Online

While I was in school I didn't think I was going to do much freelance design. There was an emphasis from my professors to get in with a design firm, build your skills, and maybe one day strike out on your own. One of my professors retired to freelance design so it felt to me... Continue Reading →

Why DragonEye Design

I'm a dragon! Even before studying at Minnesota State University Moorhead I unified my art under the title of Dragon Eye artworks. I always thought the dragon mascot at was fitting and now that I've graduated it feels right to continue to use the DragonEye branding but bump it up a little for the future.... Continue Reading →

DragonEye Design

Welcome! Dragon Eye Artwork has been my brainchild since high school. While getting my BFA in graphic design it slowly morphed into DragonEye Design. Now that I’ve finished school I figured it was time to give it a proper home outside of my social media accounts. This is that home. This site will host all... Continue Reading →

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